Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Here it goes; This is not a love letter

So here it goes, I'm a bit rusty I haven't written a single word in quite some time so bare with me a little, you know the drill, just read the words, go through the lines and at the end of the day I'm nothing but a far away voice in an empty battery stereo. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not writing this to bring you down, I'm just saying, I mean we live all our lives and might even understand the closest people to us, the ones we really love, or sometimes we understand the ones we hate the most, and no matter what... we never get to a point where we understand our own selves to the fullest. Ha... it's just life; a few words come and gone, ones that matters and others that hurt, and we can't remember when it started and will never know where it'll end, sometimes it don't sound too fair when I realize we're living our whole lives trying to just figure out the alphabet, cause for every single little meaning or emotion in our lives there's a different alphabet, weird unknown symbols that gathers in our minds forming words that we can or can't explain. When we were young we were too damn smart, easy to learn the words, easier to put the plastic little shapes in their designated places, they think we gain intelligence by age when we actually lose it, the only thing we really gain is experience and even that some people throw away.

So anyway, where was I, oh yeah, rusty... drill... all those crappy words I use to make you think my writings are a little bit more fancy, and you fall for it, it's too damn funny how it is to fool the human's mind, I'm not insulting you I'm just saying... it's a bliss, look at the guy bringing his girl some flowers, just look at that smile over her face, now imagine if we weren't fools, if we were actually thinking straight the whole time and not blinded by those words I was talking about... "What!!!... Flowers?! are you kidding me, these flowers will soon die; now that they're out of soil. where are we supposed to get a vase around here, you couldn't buy me some gasoline instead... you know how fuel prices are nowadays, I fell in love with an idiot..." and so on, well actually it won't even go that way, he wouldn't have brought her flowers at first place, she wouldn't even be in love with the sucker, and come to think of it, there would've been no freaking raise in the prices... and after all the only gift she would've liked would be 'Heaven in a box...' and we all know the poor guy can't do that now can he, no one can. So it is beautiful to just be stupid for some few minutes, be a fool and be fooled by someone who deserves it, this isn't as stupid as you think, this is just a level of sanity your simple brain activities can't reach, or rather can't acknowledge, but yes; your heart can. It's a priceless thing to do in a world everything in it got a price tag on its back, we're just a couple of steps away from putting a price tag on humans... heck we've already done that in some way.

I tell you what... this isn't taking us anywhere useful, so screw useful, I've already forgot what I was writing this for anyway, so let's play a little game... my favorite -after hide and seek off course- make a wish... make it two wishes, one that is reasonable with our reality standards, and another that is impossible... also to our standards, just wish for them, not just state them, wish them but be careful this is what you get, you'll never get this chance ever again, not everyone get to have a second chance in this game with me, at least not anymore... so you made your wishes?. I'm waiting... ok good, now just write them in a piece of paper, fold it, and put it in your wallet... purse... whatever you carry around on a usual basis, and I repeat 'usual basis' cause from now on you'll carry this shitty piece of paper with you all the time, folded and left alone, and before your mind races to any stupid conclusion... 'no' it's not what you think, yes I know I don't know what you're thinking but again I'm sure as hell; no it's not what you think, whatever it is, it's not a talisman, a good omen, a reminder, a conscious thingy, or any dumb idea they use in spam mails and commercial... god I hate those... so anyway just don't think this over way too much cause you're not going to be able to know what the hell is going on in that freaky little head of mine... well I wasn't going to say anything but since I already know the wheels in your head is turning I'm just going to let you on a little secret, I myself have 'no idea' what so ever... so yeah keep it down will ya, but I do know this, you lose 100% of the chances you never take, and every dream and ambition in your life will remain as folded and alone as this shitty little piece of paper of yours, as long as you never try something out and get over your (fear)s, (no)s, and (but)s... all your wishes will remain as they are... just wishes written in a piece of paper in your mind and by time forgotten, one day you might find a better excuse for this piece of paper than mine, I know you'll do, but just keep it like that with you, and one day if and when you totally forget what you wrote in it, open it up and read it just one more time before you throw it away in the air never to look back at it again, don't try to think what have you achieved since then and what you haven't, remember this is all just a stupid game after all, a rose cut of its ground destined to die soon, but it's sacrifice is for a price, a smile on some fool's face, and you're the fool... so just smile... think "what was that Maverick guy thinking?!" and I guess my work here is done... hey I made you smile didn't I, yeah sure it might not be before ten or twenty years from now, but hell what else do you want from me, nobody told you I was a magician or something, I just learned a long time ago, that life is all about fooling and being fooled, it's all about choosing the right person you'd let fool you, and this is what they call love... friendship... and all the wonderful, meaningful relations in our lives, my advice is, don't think you'll never be fooled, just be careful and try not to be fooled by the wrong person, and if God forbid; you were, just remember you're not the first one and sure as hell isn’t the last one, and that most of all it must've been worth it, cause the flower will die anyway and it don't matter anyway, but whether or not it made you smile for real is what really matters, believe me it matters more than you think it does, so never turn your back totally on someone you love or someone who loves you.

Last but not least... I wouldn't get someone flowers, as beautiful as they are; they are living souls, and their place is in their ground, whether a garden or a forest, so I'd go to them but not cut them out, but that's just me... and hey I wouldn't buy a girl some gasoline either, who the hell do you think I am, I'm crazy yeah but not stupid... would a ketchup bottle do?!... alright, alright I was just kidding, jeez, no one have a sense of humor nowadays or what, and what's the deal with "the look" I guess that's just another language, one that is harder to explain when talking about roses and gasoline.... "Roses and gasoline???!" the hell was I thinking... we really are a bunch of fools anyway, one who wrote this, one who read it till the end... sorry!

                                                                                                                                                                  Yours truly,