Thursday, April 18, 2013


There are two sides to each of our lives, one that doesn’t matter, and one we barely ever notice, it’s like the fight between darkness and light, never ending, never surrendering, you can’t see it but you can feel it, and maybe you can even taste it, but if you look deep enough into your heart maybe you’ll know it, a cracked mirror and in it your shattered reflection, do you see it? More importantly; do you understand? Cause I don’t care.

Important moments in the stream of our breaths governed by fast pace and neglect, the parents to our confusion, and what do they say? “Ignorance is bliss” maybe so… but who knows what ignorance is? I mean how much knowledge does a human need to actually reach a point in his life to be able to call himself ignorant, bfft, I’ll try to abandon my metaphors for a few seconds, nothing about rats in a maze or tiny speckles of dust carried away by a bitchy wind suffering a hangover, no we’re humans, or so we dare call ourselves, and yet we rarely attempt to see that, to understand that, we selfishly give away our sense of morality just bit by bit, day by day we accept more mistakes as validated reality, registering more and more nightmares as facts of life, giving no chance to others but to fall just a little bit deeper into who they think they are, but the truth is; we never were given a fair choice, I mean where’s the alternative here, blindly following in the footsteps of those that ruled us when we weren’t around? Or completely rebelling against everything about that to the point that we don’t even know what we’re rejecting anymore, when do we stop for a second and evaluate what is wrong and what is right, at least then if you make a mistake you’ve had the decency of trying to make something out of all this mess, instead what do we do? We surrender away the keys to our emotions in the hands other means, society’s beliefs, lyrics and music, people, and what we have to live with every day, it takes time but eventually it’s like we can’t function correctly without them anymore, something’d be missing, and you know then that you’ve lost something, I’m no better than anyone, I’m sitting here preaching searching for something I already found a long time ago listening to music and trying to make myself feel at home, if I plugged that music out of my head what would happen I honestly wonder, is it an industry that simply depends on me to survive and feed our unsavory need for entertainment, or have I come to undoubtedly depend on it for a quick fix, an emotional high state I’m losing the ability to get to on my own, a good song that reminds me of a nice memory making me feel happy even though five minutes ago when I remembered that very moment I felt nothing, and then another that makes me angry, funny how music would drive you angry more than news these days, but maybe that’s just me, yeah it probably is just me… isn’t it?!

To be continued…


The Best yet Saddest thing about our world, is that everything eventually makes sense, there's a logical causality to all that is good and bad in what we experience.